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Dunn Investment Company: A Legacy of Value Investing and Compound Growth

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Dunn Investment Company: A Legacy of Value Investing and Compound Growth


In the annals of finance, few investment firms have consistently demonstrated the acumen and longevity of Dunn Investment Company. For over eight decades, Dunn has adhered to a rigorous value investing philosophy, meticulously selecting stocks with favorable risk-reward profiles that generate superior long-term returns. This unwavering commitment to value has not only shaped the firm’s investment strategy but also molded its enviable track record of compound growth.

History and Leadership

Dunn Investment Company was founded in 1938 by David Dunn, a visionary investor who championed the principles of Benjamin Graham and David Dodd. Dunn’s belief in the intrinsic value of stocks, regardless of market fluctuations, laid the foundation for the firm’s enduring investment approach. Today, the firm is led by David Dunn’s grandson, David T. Dunn Jr., who has continued the family legacy of value investing with unwavering conviction.

Investment Philosophy

At the heart of Dunn Investment Company’s success lies its unwavering adherence to value investing. The firm eschews short-term market trends and instead focuses on identifying companies trading below their intrinsic value, as determined through rigorous fundamental analysis. Dunn’s investment team meticulously evaluates a company’s financial health, competitive advantages, and growth potential to uncover hidden gems that offer the potential for substantial appreciation.

The firm’s value investing philosophy is grounded in the belief that the market often misprices stocks, either overvaluing them during periods of exuberance or undervaluing them during times of pessimism. Dunn seeks to exploit these pricing inefficiencies by purchasing undervalued companies with strong fundamentals and holding them for the long term, allowing the intrinsic value to be realized through compounding growth.

Investment Process

Dunn Investment Company’s investment process is meticulous and disciplined. The firm employs a team of experienced analysts who conduct extensive research on potential investments. They analyze financial statements, industry reports, and management interviews to gain a comprehensive understanding of the company’s operations, financial position, and competitive landscape.

Once a company passes the initial screening criteria, the firm conducts a thorough due diligence process, involving site visits, management meetings, and deep dives into the company’s financials and business model. This rigorous analysis ensures that Dunn only invests in companies with solid fundamentals, sustainable competitive advantages, and the potential for significant long-term growth.

Portfolio Construction and Risk Management

Dunn Investment Company constructs diversified portfolios to mitigate risk and enhance returns. The firm invests across a wide range of industries and sectors, ensuring that its investments are not overly concentrated in any one area. Additionally, Dunn employs various risk management techniques, including position sizing, stop-loss orders, and hedging strategies, to protect against market volatility and downturns.

By diversifying its portfolio and implementing prudent risk management practices, Dunn seeks to maximize the potential for long-term capital appreciation while preserving investor capital.

Performance and Track Record

Dunn Investment Company’s unwavering adherence to value investing has yielded impressive long-term results. Over the past five years, the firm’s flagship Open-End Value Fund has outperformed its benchmark, the Russell 1000 Value Index, by a significant margin. Since inception in 1990, the fund has delivered an annualized return of 9.4%, outperforming the benchmark by over 2%.

Dunn’s consistent outperformance is a testament to the firm’s disciplined investment process and its ability to identify undervalued companies with the potential for exceptional growth.

Investment Services

Dunn Investment Company offers a range of investment services tailored to meet the needs of individual investors and institutions. The firm’s flagship Open-End Value Fund is available to individual investors seeking long-term capital appreciation. Additionally, Dunn provides customized portfolio management services for high-net-worth individuals and institutions, offering personalized investment strategies tailored to their specific investment goals and risk tolerance.


For over eight decades, Dunn Investment Company has been a beacon of value investing, consistently delivering superior long-term returns for its investors. The firm’s unwavering commitment to identifying undervalued companies with strong fundamentals has proven to be a winning formula, resulting in an enviable track record of compound growth. As the world continues to evolve, Dunn Investment Company remains steadfast in its dedication to value investing, ensuring that investors continue to reap the rewards of this time-honored investment philosophy.

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